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String Library

We don't have a lot of string functions yet (), but you are free to define the string functions you need. If you are using heitml on UNIX, you can even add built-in string functions through the userfun.c module.

Also, don't forget that heitml already contains many Built-in String functions, so be sure to review that section of the Language Reference.

The functions are listed in alphabetical order. The Format line shows the proper syntax heitml expects you to use. We follow with a brief description of the function's purpose, and then a couple of short examples of how they work.

< TxtStr > ... </TxtStr>

<TxtStr> is actually not a function, but an Environment Tag. (Environment Tags are Tags that require an End-Tag, similar to standard HTML Tags like <FONT> and <TABLE>.)

The <TxtStr> Tag allows you to add complex formatting information to a string of text with just one line of code. Like the HTML <FONT> Tag, you can specify Text size and color. But you can also specify a Text style to make characters appear in boldface or italics or both bold and italic. Furthermore, you can specify two parameters that are more commonly found in the HTML <TABLE> Tag, namely: bgcolor and border. Like HTML, you can specify as many or as few parameters as required to achieve the desired effect.

Here is the complete list of allowable parameters. (Note that some parameter names have been shortened to keep the length of the argument list as short as possible.)

HTML heitml Accepted Values
color= c= "#ffffff" or "ColorName"
size= s= 1 to 7 or "-2" to "+5"
<B> style= b, B, i, I, bi, BI, ib, IB
<I> style= b, B, i, I, bi, BI, ib, IB
border= border= 0 to ?
bgcolor= bgcolor= "#ffffff" or "ColorName"

Here are a number of examples that demonstrate how flexible and easy it is to use this Tag:


<TxtStr s=7 c=gl.Red style="i" > Test </TxtStr> Test
<TxtStr s="+4" c="#0000ff" > Test2 </TxtStr> Test2
<TxtStr border=4 c=gl.Black > Test3 </TxtStr>
<TxtStr border=2 bgcolor=gl.Aqua style="bi" > Test4 </TxtStr>
<TxtStr c="#9400d3" > Test5 </TxtStr> Test5
<TxtStr c=gl.Green s="-2" > This is small. </TxtStr> This is small.
<TxtStr z="stupid" > Try it. </TxtStr> Try it.

Did you notice that we only had to specify as much or as little formatting information as was needed to obtain the desired result? This is the way HTML Tags operate, so heitml Tags let you continue working in the manner you've grown accustomed.

And you don't have to stick to any particular order when you list your formatting instructions. Again, HTML let's you specify formatting information in any order, so we felt it was important that heitml should allow you this freedom as well.

And you don't have to stick to any particular order when you list your formatting instructions. bold or italic or both at the same time? Imagine how much more work it would have been to produce so many different effects using HTML Tags.

And finally, our last example shows that heitml reacts the same as HTML when it receives information that it doesn't know what to do with. In other words, it simply ignores it.

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Selected blog articles : 3D Objects on HTML pages, CSS Transition Visibility, and CSS Transition Display.

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