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heitml Syntax Errors

In the case of a syntax error, heitml shows the current page and all relevant <include> files in Pretty Printing mode.

heitml Syntax Errors Found

File: /website/heitml/excountw.hei
// Example for syntax error messages

<let i = ) 4>
In File /website/heitml/excountw.hei:
at Line:3 Col:10 : Syntax error, expected tokens:
 Ident Integer Real QuotedString
 - null emptytuple ( true false !

<let Integer>
at Line:5 Col:6 : Syntax error, expected tokens:
Ident Integer Real QuotedString
- null emptytuple ( true false !
at Line:5 Col:6 : token inserted: Integer

<let i = 5 >6> 
at Line:7 Col:12 : Syntax error, expected tokens:
> = + - * / % [ . , < == != && || <= >=
at Line:7 Col:12 : token inserted: >

<let k = index (x,y,z)>
at Line:9 Col:16 : Too many parameters for function

Error messages are inserted immediately after the line in which an error was discovered and they are displayed in green colored text. The place where the error occurred is marked in red, orange, or bold green.

If heitml detects an invalid token the token is marked in red (first example).

If heitml proposes to insert a particular corrective token, the proposed token is shown in bold green (second example) at the place where it should be inserted. Note, however, that this does not mean that inserting the bold green token is the only way to fix the bug. It is just one possibility.

Other errors that do not delete or insert tokens are marked in orange (third example) within the text.

Most syntax errors can be found and corrected very easily. In the remaining cases the following tips might help:

  • Check carefully the blue and black colors of the text. Sometimes a forgotten <let keyword makes heitml interpret part of your intended code as HTML when it should actually be heitml inside of < and >.
  • If there is a syntax error immediately after an <include> statement, it can very well be caused inside of the included file.
  • an </if> or similar inserted (in bold green) at the end of the page usually indicates a missing </if> somewhere inside the text.

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