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Component dbquerybutton


The querybutton can be used on a sesform to send a message to a dbscroller, dbcontainer, or dbdisplay. The receiving component then searches the database for matching records and displays them.

Normally all non-empty form fields are compared to the field in the database with the same name. Only records that contain the same field value match.

If type=search is selected however, fields are compared using a substring match, i.e. the content of the form field must occur as a substring of the corresponding database field.

Using the dbfieldoperator component the compare operator can be specified for each field separately.


< dbquerybutton ... > ... < /dbquerybutton >


Component must be used inside a form.
Include File: queryfields.hei
Session Mode: create


Property Kind Description
ReceiverString(60) Component to send the message 
NameString(20) Button Name inside the form, must be unique. 
LayoutString(60) Input is a standard HTML submit button, image shows an image on the button, link creates a link (needs JavaScript), compatlink a link or button depending on the browser, button an HTML4.0 button (must occur just once at end of form), mbutton an HTML 4.0 button (needs JavaScript), and compatbutton an HTML 4.0 button or normal button depending on the browser;  
TypeString(60)  Action to take by the receiver.  
ValueString(20) Label on the Button 
SrcString(20)  Image Url, only used for layout=image  
BorderInteger Border Size, only used for layout=image  

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