RADpage - Web ComponentsRADpage Web applications are constructed by placing one or more components on Web pages. Components can be complete mini-applications, like a shopping cart, or programming tools like a button. By combining various components powerful applications can be built. RADpage includes a library of more than 150 components from the following areas:
Simple applications can be created by clicking a single component on a page and adjusting its attributes. More flexibility however is reached by combining several components. For example components can be nested, e.g. a form component cooperates with field components contained in the form. Another kind of cooperation scheme are event based messages send from one component to another one.
Using a heitml component is as easy as dragging it on the page using RADpage or as writing an XML tag on a page. Components can drastically simplify the interaction of graphic designers and programmers. Programmers just create components and graphic designers can use them without the help of the programmers. Usually a big part of each Web site can be created reusing existing components. In addition you can create your own components or modify existing components using object-oriented inheritance. This finally leads to a big improvement in productivity retaining the flexibility of a programming language. © 1996-2024 H.E.I. All Rights Reserved. |